Monday, September 24, 2007

The House of War

It's not well known but Islam, that strange cult that even President Bush insists on calling "a religion of peace", divides the whole of humanity into two parts: Dar al Islam or the House of Islam, and Dar al Harb or the House of War. Guess which house you and I are in.

The House of Islam is that part of humanity that is Muslim or subjugated by Muslims. The House of War is that part of humanity that is not. This stark division reveals the inherently intolerant and violent nature of the Islamic worldview. Don't be confused or deceived. In Islam if you're not a Muslim you're the enemy. The duty of all true Muslims is to convert you or, failing that, subjugate or kill you. Yes, kill you!

We in the kafir nations, especially the Western ones, must understand that we are the House of War; we are at war with Islam, NOT because we choose to be, but because that is how Muslims define us. Simply being non-Muslim is an act of aggression to them because it's seen as rejecting Islam, Muslims not being able to understand that choosing to practice another faith is not automatically an insult to theirs. This is how Muslims throughout history have been able to claim that their myriad wars of conquest were fought in "self-defense".

Like it or not, kafirs, we are in a life and death struggle. It is a struggle not only for the survival of our physical lives but also for our political, cultural and religious lives. It is a struggle for the right to live FREELY as non-Muslims, without paying Muslim overlords tribute in order to be left alone. It is a struggle as old as Islam itself; a struggle faced by every "infidel" who was unwilling to convert or accept second-class status in a Muslim empire. As long as there's Islam, we will have to fight to exist. Accept it: we are the House of War. Take up your sword and FIGHT!

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