Friday, December 07, 2007

Islam Must Die!!!!

I am so upset I don't know what to do. I just saw a beheading! I think it was Nicholas Berg, but I'm not sure. It hardly matters who it was; what matters is that I saw the barbarism that is Islam with my own eyes. I saw a helpless, innocent human being have his head cut off. Not quickly and cleanly sliced off with a sharp sword or guillotine, which would've been bad enough. No, the Muslim filth cut their victim's head off with a knife, like you'd cut a piece of meat. I heard the victim groaning in agony; I saw his blood gush onto the floor. I'm sick to my stomach and sick to my heart.

This beheading video, and others just like it, was shown on the internet and all over the Arab/Muslim world. The reaction? Silence. Not a peep of criticism or protest from the good, moderate, peaceful Muslims we're constantly told to put our faith in. But what did ruffle their feathers? Cartoons! That's right. The good, moderate, peaceful Muslims rioted in the streets and murdered dozens of people after a Danish newspaper published hand drawn pictures of their "prophet". "Insult to Islam!", they screamed. Yet Muslims slaughtering a man the way most people wouldn't kill an animal is alright. No insult to Islam there. Not even using children to behead people insults their religion, judging from the moderates' silence about it.

I say to hell with moderate Muslims, their "prophet", and their religion. We in the House of War must rise up and put an end to Islam once and for all. As long as it exists we will have neither safety nor peace. Islam must die! It is spiritual smallpox that must be eradicated from the body of mankind. Putting Islam on the trash heap of history is the least we owe to its pitilessly murdered victims. It's what we owe to the man in the video, who's barbaric murder shook my soul.


Yankee Doodle said...

Get rid of Islam, and evil people will be cutting off someone's head in the name of something else.

Here in the US we have plenty of psychopaths that don't even need a cause. They're mass murders and serial killers. All Islam does is give them a cause.

Attack Islam, and the Muslims will rally around their belief system. Leave it alone, and Muslims will begin to see it for what it is. That is the very crisis that Islam has faced for the past three centuries. Muslims had grown away from the barbarity, and Wahhab had to reignite the flames of hatred.

Speaking of hatred, something needs to be done about the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It's the KSA that is spreading the hatred and radicalizing the world's Muslims.

mccommas said...

I agree poor girl.

The world would be a better place without islam.

And you are right. The lack of outrage from these so called moderates is the most upsetting thing of all.

godswill said...

If Satan were to live amongst men, and continue his quest for ruling men with his evil, he would most certainly choose the Islamic Religion, because of the weak minded followers. It is time that Islam be wiped off the face of the earth, and let peace and freedom rule.
Allah, Mohammad and all things muslim have been contaminated with the touch of the devil's will.
I have faith in humanity, and truely beleive and prey that the free world will drop the bomb and rid this planet of the cancer that is islam.


Aurthur said...

I have seen one of their atrocities. People in western countries are too soft. We defend backwards religions, so they can blow up our planes, buses, and trains, and make murder videos. We need to stop screwing around and totally annihalate them. It is the only way to be sure for future generations. Sadly it will probably take a muslim invasion to finally wake people up to what kind of enemy has come on the world.

Anonymous said...

ban this religion. their noisy calls to prayer and obscene house of worship is an insult to others as is their total disrespect for other people. rally outside the white house to totally ban islam. throw out that muslim obama who is an illegal president, a hypocrite and a liar

Anonymous said...

Islam is the most demonic "beleif" going, they are invading the BEAUTIFUL CLEAN NATION OF EUROPE, the GREAT LIBERAL NATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, CANADA, and some nations in AFRICA they are a scum on our civilisations and a plague to our childrens minds rthey must be stoppes and their religion and culture must be wiped away like the filthy bacteria it is!

Anonymous said...

Islam is the most demonic "beleif" going, they are invading the BEAUTIFUL CLEAN NATION OF EUROPE, the GREAT LIBERAL NATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, CANADA, and some nations in AFRICA they are a scum on our civilisations and a plague to our childrens minds rthey must be stoppes and their religion and culture must be wiped away like the filthy bacteria it is!

nig-nag said...

muslims are trying to out bread us, and the y are doing it, we are having 1.33 children per couple while they are having 8.11!!!! they must be eradicated- muslims pose no scientific productivity nor do they care about genetic diversity in our ecosystems!! they will run the earth into the ground!! when the muslim dark ages come into being there will be no coming out of it!!!

Unknown said...

this post was in 2007 - how did we miss this? - it's happening with much more frequency today - Jihad has been waged on all non-muslims - come quickly Lord Jesus!

Unknown said...

Why are politicians of Europe, Australia, anada and Europe handing us on a plate to islam? It's not like they haven't been up front about their hatred of democracy, women's rights, freedom of religion. It's not like they have been covert about their desire for the whole world to be oppressed under sharia law. We know that entails female genital mutilation, cruelty to animals, oppression of women, death penalty for numerous breaches of normal human liberties, child marriage and yet our politicians refuse to find it offensive.
The media condemns other cults such as scientology, yet gives islam a free pass to take over our countries by stealth. In a country (Australia) where we have about 10% muslims, about 90% of the items in our major supermarket chains are hakal certified. I can only conclude that the world has gone mad, or that our politicians hate us.
But that doesn't explain why we still keep voting for these mahommed loving political parties.

mylifemoretragicthantheeventsleadinguptothe12laborsofheracles said...

You are wholeheartedly ignorant if you believe that anyone who adheres to and embraces the islam ideology could or ever would display tolerance or any compassion to anyone who does not.

Enter the phrase no such thing as a moderate muslim, it is a constant there are only 2 types of muslims, 1 those muslims with the emotional fortitude to carry out the evil their demigod Muhammad/allah demands of them through the writings in the quran and those who prostrate themselves 3 times per day in prayer for the former to kill the kaffirs for them.

mylifemoretragicthantheeventsleadinguptothe12laborsofheracles said...

Yes, but being that besides total hatred of non-muslims islam promotes using deceit to lull all kaffirs into a false sense of security to make executing them easier, so tell me just how can you identify someone who wholeheartedly means non-muslims no harm, rhetorical question because you cannot.