Friday, December 07, 2007

Islam Must Die!!!!

I am so upset I don't know what to do. I just saw a beheading! I think it was Nicholas Berg, but I'm not sure. It hardly matters who it was; what matters is that I saw the barbarism that is Islam with my own eyes. I saw a helpless, innocent human being have his head cut off. Not quickly and cleanly sliced off with a sharp sword or guillotine, which would've been bad enough. No, the Muslim filth cut their victim's head off with a knife, like you'd cut a piece of meat. I heard the victim groaning in agony; I saw his blood gush onto the floor. I'm sick to my stomach and sick to my heart.

This beheading video, and others just like it, was shown on the internet and all over the Arab/Muslim world. The reaction? Silence. Not a peep of criticism or protest from the good, moderate, peaceful Muslims we're constantly told to put our faith in. But what did ruffle their feathers? Cartoons! That's right. The good, moderate, peaceful Muslims rioted in the streets and murdered dozens of people after a Danish newspaper published hand drawn pictures of their "prophet". "Insult to Islam!", they screamed. Yet Muslims slaughtering a man the way most people wouldn't kill an animal is alright. No insult to Islam there. Not even using children to behead people insults their religion, judging from the moderates' silence about it.

I say to hell with moderate Muslims, their "prophet", and their religion. We in the House of War must rise up and put an end to Islam once and for all. As long as it exists we will have neither safety nor peace. Islam must die! It is spiritual smallpox that must be eradicated from the body of mankind. Putting Islam on the trash heap of history is the least we owe to its pitilessly murdered victims. It's what we owe to the man in the video, who's barbaric murder shook my soul.