Tuesday, September 19, 2006

This Is the Religion of Peace

The religion of peace strikes again.

In an effort to show how loving and misunderstood by Westerners Islam really is, apoplectic Mohammedans rioted, vandalized, threatened Christians, and murdered a nun in reaction to the Pope's quoting of a medievel emperor's criticism of Islam. Gee, I feel so much better seeing the peace and tolerance of Islam.

Apparently in peaceful Islam--the true Islam--riots and murders are the proper response to critical words but not to the slaughter of innocent people. Oh no. When people are actually killed it's party time--if those people are infidels. And everyone who's not a Muslim is an infidel.

Moderate Muslims will claim that the rioters, vandals, and killers don't represent true Islam, but if that's so why don't these moderates ever take to the streets in angry protest against the extremists they say are distorting their faith? Perhaps because there are no really moderate Muslims. Maybe "moderate" Muslims are just Muslims who disagree with the methods of the militants but not with their objectives. And because the "moderates" and the militants do have the same objectives, the "moderates" aren't going to make too much of a fuss about the methods, no matter how violent they may be.

Or maybe there are moderate Muslims, but they're scared stiff of the militants and don't want to risk their lives to oppose them. Either way, Islam will continue to be "misunderstood" by Westerners as long as Muslims keep behaving the way they've been for the last few days. And I expect them to do just that.

Welcome to the religion of peace.

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