Sunday, November 11, 2007

Let it Begin with the Muslims

Land for peace. That catchy ditty has been played at least since Jimmy Carter negotiated the "peace" treaty between Egypt and Israel back in the '70's. The idea behind it is that the Palestinians--and other Arabs/Muslims--will love Israel if only she would give them just a little land for a state of their own. Really, that's all the Palestinians are asking for. Just a little land for (just a little) peace. Well, I say that if "land for peace" is such a good thing let the Muslims start it.

You see, the largest ethnic group in the world without a state of its own is NOT the Palestinians but the Kurds. The Kurds number at least 30 million, scattered over five countries: Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and Russia. As you can see, four of the five countries are Muslim, like the Kurds themselves. If Muslim countries are so agrieved over the Palestinians not having their own country, shouldn't they be even more agrieved that the 30 million strong Kurds don't have one? Don't bet on it. Not only are the four Muslim countries not sympathetic to the Kurds, they have violently persecuted them for ages. And since the Kurds and their persecutors are all Muslim, the only reason for the oppression has to be racial hatred.

The Kurds are ethnically, culturally, and linguistically distinct from the people amongst whom they live. It's obvious that the non-Kurds hate their Kurdish neighbors, so why not try the solution always proposed for the Israelis? Why don't Turkey, Syria, Iraq, and Iran give up chunks of their land to form a Kurdish state? After all, they'd be helping out their Muslim "brothers" instead of shooting them. Everybody benefits. The Turks, Syrians, Iraqis and Iranians would be rid of a troublesome minority and the Kurds would have freedom from racial oppression PLUS the dignity that comes with being a sovereign people. Sounds like a win/win situation to me. So the next time you hear Muslims whining that terrorism is caused by the Palestinian problem, ask them what their solution to the Kurdish problem is. Then tell them that, like charity, trading land for peace should begin at home.


Right Truth said...

Nice post and a good question. For some reason the 'Palestinians' (tongue in cheek) are considered the most abused and the most worthy of all human life. **cough**

Right Truth

Seane-Anna said...

Hey Debbie! Thanks for stopping by. You're right. The Palestinians are considered the most abused people on earth. Why, I don't know.

Forget the Christians in Sudan; forget the Baha'is in Iran; forget the entire population of North Korea; and, of course, forget the Kurds. The Leftist and Islamist dogma is that nobody has suffered or is suffering the way the poor, pitiful Palestinians are. Therefore, any atrocity can be committed in the name of their liberation. Gag me.